Huwebes, Enero 24, 2013

Learning Contract


    I am Mark John B. Bacagan currently enrolled at University of the Cordilleras and my expectations for my subject (Digital Arts and Animation) is to learn the basic tricks and tips on animating and designing using different software. I am also expecting a good relationship with our instructor, because having a good relationship with the instructor is very helpful for us students this can boost up our confidence.
 In this subject can contribute my best in order to do my duty as a student. I will persevere and respect my instructor and my classmates. I can't achieve anything in this subject without anyone motivating me. I am motivated because of my family they are the one who sent me in this school and take good care for me. I don't want to disappoint them so I am doing my best shot. My instructor also is my motivation, because when he is motivated to teach us we are also motivated to listen and do what he is telling to do. There are also prevention that prevent me on achieving this subject like financial problem, it is one of the major problem for us student. Natural disaster is also a hindrance for me, because this is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; for example flood, severe weather, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes.

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